The Tale of a Church Missionary in North Carolina

The Tale of a Two Year Church Missionary in North Carolina
I'd be willing to bet, in your life you've met a Mormon. If you have then you'd probably know that we're a little goofy in some ways, but more often then not, that we're usually nice. If you haven't met one, well here's a chance to read up on what a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints thinks and you can make your own opinion.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

God Created Baseball

Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd;
buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back.
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win, it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game.

Great Sun Set Over the Lumberton High Ball Park

    And on the 8th Day, God created Baseball. Do I believe that? I kinda do.

    Baseball is easily my favorite sport to watch, which I can attribute that almost fully to my mother. She is the biggest baseball fan in the world. It doesn't matter what team is playing, when, or where, she will sit down with a bag of popcorn, maybe some roasted almonds, and watch that game from start to finish. And she taught me well, I can do the same thing and love it just as much. Especially if the Red Sox are playing.

    Now why do I think God created Baseball? Well lets take a look at God's plan for us, AKA The Plan of Salvation, and take a look at America's Past-time. . .

So in God's plan for us in the life

  • We started in Heaven with God.
  • Then Chose to come down here to Earth to live and love and grow and prepare to. .
  • Go Home to God.
Now in the great sport of Baseball how we play is to. . .
  • Start at Home Plate
  • Go around all the bases, out to where we can get tagged out, get in pickles, where people walk, run, steal, have fun, get angry, get a little competitive, and all this other good stuff, but in the end how we end up winning is to. . .
  • Make it Home Safe.

Isn't this what we all want in life? To get Home Safe? Now we might get in some Pickles in this life. We might get a little dirty, and even sometimes we might Strike Out. But we have this Loving God who's our coach, who is always letting us get up to bat. The thing to remember though is, there's only 9 innings in a baseball game. There's only so much time in this life. Don't spend your time worrying about how much pine tar is on your bat, how nice your pin-stripes are (no one likes those anyway), or who is in the bleachers watching. All you need to worry about is that when it's your time to get up to the plate and your pitch comes, you swing with all you've got. You run faster then you've ever run in your life. Yeah it's scary out there on the base-paths but we already know who's going to win, just make sure you've made it safe at Home.

God Created Baseball, And Saw That It Was Good.

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