The Tale of a Church Missionary in North Carolina

The Tale of a Two Year Church Missionary in North Carolina
I'd be willing to bet, in your life you've met a Mormon. If you have then you'd probably know that we're a little goofy in some ways, but more often then not, that we're usually nice. If you haven't met one, well here's a chance to read up on what a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints thinks and you can make your own opinion.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Another Testiment of Him. .

     Four Months, Twenty-Two days.

     I have started, read, and finished the Book of Mormon twice in my life. Once as a boy while reading it with my Mother, and after we finished the last chapter, Moroni chapter 10 I busted up into tears and didn't under stand why. The next time was in the 9th grade, for seminary we were asked to read it by the end of the school year, I made it about half way with a month left in school and I wanted to finish it so I flew through the last half not carrying very much for what I was reading, just that I was reading it. Regardless of only finishing it twice, I knew that the Book of Mormon was true.

    Now that four months, twenty-two days at the top you're probably wondering about is how long it took me to finish the Book of Mormon since coming on my mission. Since coming to North Carolina and even before then I've born countless testimonies of the truthfulness of this book. I wrote down my testimony at the front of the book before I started, and I wrote it again at the end, and well this is my testimony of this book, the greatest and most true book in the history of man kind.

    If I could compare this book to such things that I have come to trust, rely on, and love, i would compare it to the Mysteries of Disneyland , The Wisdom of the father, the comfort of my Mother, and the Passion of my Sister. Within these pages you are able to enter into a world so very different then ours, yet so very alike. The places the people live, the things they do, their lifestyles, their adventures, are so very different from ours today. But, what is the same is the people themselves. In this marvelous book of scripture you will find a people who love their families, who care for their children. They are concerned for what will happen after they die. Families fight, feelings are hurt, good people do bad things, bad things happen to good peolpe, and hope at times seems like more then just beyond their reach but that it was only a distant memory. Now if this does not sound like the world we live in today then I have been both blind and deaf while on my Mission. The truely amazing thing is that not only do see and hear the lowly lamentations of General Mormon after everyone he has come to know and love has been killed, but you also learn how to find the overwhelming True Happiness that only comes through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is Eturnal Life.

   In Lehi's dream he says that the fruit of the Tree of Life is most precious, even above all other fruit. and in the Angel's interpretation of the dream to Nephi we find that the fruit is a representation of the Love of God. Now after reading this book again and pondering the message it contains I add my testimony to those of Prophets, Apostles, Members of this Church and Millions of Misisonaries serving and served through out the world, that It Is True.  As Peter stated, Christ "hast the words of Eternal Life" and this book stands as Another Testimony that He lives, that He Loves and that he will aslways stand ready to accept those who desire to follow Him.

   This, my testimony, I bare in the sacred Name of that Great Jehovah, the Eternal Judge of both the quick and the dead, even Jesus Christ, Amen.

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