The Tale of a Church Missionary in North Carolina

The Tale of a Two Year Church Missionary in North Carolina
I'd be willing to bet, in your life you've met a Mormon. If you have then you'd probably know that we're a little goofy in some ways, but more often then not, that we're usually nice. If you haven't met one, well here's a chance to read up on what a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints thinks and you can make your own opinion.

Friday, April 4, 2014

How It All Began, Well Sorta

   Alright almost a year and a half ago I was a senior in high school. I was huge into theatre and wrestling. In October 2012 I was in a Shakespeare competition in Cedar City Utah.  We would watch and support the members of our team and were doing our best to be respectful to the other teams. While we were watching on of the rounds of the competition my buddy Brian leaned over to me and showed me a text. It was from his mom telling him that President Thomas S Monson, the President and Prophet of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, had just announced that worthy young men could now serve full time missions from ages 18-25, instead of 19-25

   So my buddies and I were freaking out at this, but we couldn't do anything because we were in that round still watching people do their scenes and monologs. As soon as the round was over my friends and I were freaking out, we realized that all of us could be on missions in the next year. This threw a wrench in a lot of my plans for life but also opened up opportunities, I didn't really know what to think. My orignional plan was to go to Utah State University with my sister for a year once she got back from her LDS mission, you know get my Generals done, and hang out and goof off in collage having fun being a freshmen. Then when I turned 19 a year later I would serve a mission, then come back 2 years later and finish collage and go on in my life. But with this new change it was opened up so many opportunities. But I was so excited for the news, I was shocked and landblasted at it, and I was so excited. One of our friends that was there took a picture of all of us when we heard the news. Hey look it's a picture of all of us.

    Well after prayer, fasting, and thinking everything I could think of out, I guess the next thing to say is, for the last 5 months (in 2 days) I've been serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. What I've been doing for the last 5 months has been inviting others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. I've loved every second of it, even though it has been a pain, and really really hard, I know that what I've been doing out here is true, it's what the Lord wants me to do.

    Oh and if you're wondering what those other 4 knuckle heads are doing right now. (from right to left)
The Legendary Jake Smith is still rocking it at Dear Ol' Davis High School, soon to graduate. 
Elder Brian J. Milligan is in San Pablo Mission.
Elder John Passey is serving in San Bernardino California.
And Elder Austin Petersen is serving his mission in in Portland Oregon.

For the 4 of us out it has been, is, and will continue to be An Adventurous Adventure. . .

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