The Tale of a Church Missionary in North Carolina

The Tale of a Two Year Church Missionary in North Carolina
I'd be willing to bet, in your life you've met a Mormon. If you have then you'd probably know that we're a little goofy in some ways, but more often then not, that we're usually nice. If you haven't met one, well here's a chance to read up on what a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints thinks and you can make your own opinion.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

On This Day 11 Years ago. . .

    Today is the 5th of July, 2014. Yesterday was my 3rd favorite holiday (behind Christmas and Mothers Day) Independence Day. Every year, this day for me usually entails picking up fireworks in the street from last night, and relaxing and sometimes going boating. But the 5th of July that has been most memorable for me was the one 11 years ago when I was Baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

    So 11 years ago today I just turned 8 years old on the 16th of June. Now for kids that grow up in the Church, turning 8 years old is a big deal, they all look forward to it and can't wait for it, because when they turn 8 that is when they can be Baptized.

    The reason why it's 8 is because that's the age that Heavenly Father knows that children are ready to be accountable for their own actions. Christ taught us that "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." So Children are those who will enter into the kingdom of Heaven, and those who become like them. And the Prophet Moroni in the Book of Mormon tell us why that is. That a doctor doesn't come to heal people that are healthy, but the sick. And Christ didn't come to save those who are without sin, but the sinners. And really think of the last time you held new born in your arms. Could you see, feel, or think of anything that this little one that would make them not worthy to enter into God's presence? Truth be told, I've only held one baby in my life, it was my baby niece right before I left, I was scared out of my mind I'd drop her. But the point is, that she is is perfect, and doesn't need any forgiveness.

    So anyway, when I as 7 turning 8 my parents, being the super awesome people they are never once imposed that I was going to be baptized when I turned 8. It was always my choice. It wasn't a "we're going to talk to the bishop and figure out when you are going to get baptized." kind of thing, or even a "when do you want to get baptized thing." they always made sure that it was my choice and something I wanted to do. Even though they are extremely strong members of the church, and they know that that is what I needed to do, they never once did anything like that. They taught me about Christ though, and why he was baptized. And about Joseph Smith and the Priesthood being restored. And about what was so important about Baptism and why we need it.

   I remember a few days after my 8th birthday I actually went to go ask my mom about my baptism, because I knew I needed to be baptized. I learned about it in Primary and from my Parents. And I wanted to be Baptized. I asked her something like "Mom, why haven't you or Dad talked about my baptism?" and She said back "Well do you want to be baptized?" I said, "Well yeah, I was wondering why we hadn't talked about it." The conversation went something like that, I can't quite remember it all, I was 8 years old, give me a break.

    So we got my baptism all set up and I only remember a few things of my baptism. One of them was that my older brother Andy was the one to baptize me. Another thing that my parents let me chose, who baptized me. Looking back I wasn't thinking at all. I don't know why but I didn't think at all that I should have my dad baptize me. But my first choice was to have my oldest brother Dave baptize me, but he was out of town working in Alaska at the time, and no I haven't really forgiven him yet for not being there for my baptism. But so he wasn't there so Andy was the one to do it, which was awesome. I remember practicing (out of water) with him in my parent's bedroom before hand. Another thing I remember was how weird it was going into the font and wearing long pants, it was thee weirdest feeling on my legs to go into water with pants on, another thing that proves I was only 8 at the time. Then I remember when I got the Holy Ghost, how many people were in the circle. My Dad was the one that Confirmed me. And in the Circle were my grandpa's, my uncles, and I'm pretty sure Brother Bovee was there, if not I really hope he was. But I remember how great the feeling was in that circle.

    So that is the story of my baptism. Now I don't remember all the details, but I do know that I was baptized by the proper authority of God. Now what I want to do next is to stop writing. This Monday (when us missionaries get to email home) I'm going to ask my mom to write what she remembers about my baptism, and find some pictures of it. I'm sure her account will be a lot more detailed (and factual) and I'm sure it will be a lot more meaningful. So I'll get that up soon, and I really hope that you read that one, a lot more then I hope you read this one.

   Love you all, be encouraged. Have fun. Be Nice.